All About Fleas

A few flea facts
If you find a flea on your cat or dog, there could be an infestation on your pets and around your home. Adult fleas are only a small percentage of the total population of a given infestation.
The female flea can lay 2,000 eggs in her lifetime and consume 15 times her own body weight in blood daily.
A flea can jump up to 8 inches high.
A flea can live more than 100 days and possibly longer without a blood meal.
On average, it takes 3 months to break the flea cycle.

Can fleas be harmful?
Yes! Fleas can cause anemia in heavy infestations especially in young or debilitated dogs and cats. They can also cause intense bouts of itchiness with skin damage, and ingesting them can cause tapeworm infection.

Controlling fleas in the environment
Environmental preparations are becoming increasingly sophisticated. Remember that most products are only effective against the adult flea. Make sure you use a flea product that contains Insect Growth Regulators that will help destroy the flea eggs and larvae. Before applying any environmental product, we recommend vacuuming your carpet to stimulate the pre-adult fleas to emerge from their protective cocoons. Be sure to discard the vacuum cleaner bag after its use.
Sprays and foggers that we recommend that kill multiple stages of fleas (Siphotrol and Knockout sprays and foggers)

Eliminating fleas from your dog
Shampoo that kills fleas and/or ticks can be an inexpensive (though labor-intensive) method of protecting your dog during flea season, or year round. You will need to repeat the process more often, about every two weeks, as the effective ingredients in these shampoos won’t last as long as a spot-on or oral medication.
Capstar is a temporary 24-hour oral pill that kills adult fleas only. This is helpful to use before grooming, boarding or when bombing your home. Capstar can be given every 24 hours and can be used to help jumpstart your fight against fleas.
K9 Advantix II is a topical treatment that kills all life stages of fleas, ticks, mosquitos and lice, and helps repel biting flies. This treatment should be done every 30 days and does not require a prescription. This is safe for dogs as young as 7 weeks of age.
Revolution is a topical treatment that prevents heartworm disease, kills fleas and prevents flea eggs from hatching, helps prevent flea infestations, treats and controls ear mites and controls American dog tick or Wood tick infestations as well as sarcoptic mange due to Sarcoptes scabiei. This treatment should be repeated every 30 days and requires a prescription. This is safe for dogs as young as 6 weeks of age.
Credelio is an oral chew that kills fleas and ticks and helps prevent flea infestations. This treatment should be repeated every 30 days and requires a prescription. This is safe for dogs as young as 8 weeks of age.
Bravecto is an oral chew that kills fleas and ticks and helps prevent flea infestations. This treatment should be repeated every 12 weeks and requires a prescription. This is safe for dogs as young as 6 months of age.

Eliminating fleas from your cat
Shampoo that kills fleas and/or ticks can be an inexpensive (though labor-intensive) method of protecting your cat during flea season, or year round. You will need to repeat the process more often, about every two weeks, as the effective ingredients in these shampoos won’t last as long as a spot-on or oral medication.
Capstar is a temporary 24-hour oral pill that kills adult fleas only. This is helpful to use before grooming, boarding or when bombing your home. Capstar can be given every 24 hours and can be used to help jumpstart your fight against fleas.
Effipro is a topical treatment that kills fleas, ticks and chewing lice. This treatment should be repeated every 30 days and does not require a prescription. This is safe for cats as young as 8 weeks of age.
Revolution Plus is a topical treatment that prevents heartworm disease, kills fleas and prevents flea eggs from hatching, helps prevent flea infestations, treats and controls ear mites and treats hookworm and round worm. This treatment should be repeated every 30 days and requires a prescription. This is safe for cats as young as 8 weeks of age.
Bravecto Plus is a topical treatment that kills fleas and ticks and helps prevent flea infestations. Bravecto Plus also treats for roundworms and hookworms This treatment should be repeated every 8 weeks and requires a prescription. This is safe for cats as young as 6 months of age.